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A new regional Sparta? Chilean Armed Forces modernization 1995-2010

Fri, May 29, 8:00 to 9:45am, TBA


From the mid nineteen nineties until fairly recently, the Chilean armed force underwent a long technical modernization process as a result of which they are probably the best equipped in South America. Together with the new hardware, the Chilean military went through a deep doctrinal change, moving in the case of the Army from a territorial army concept to an operational one, concentrating their assets in the North and South of the country, where their deterring effect is greater. In the case of the Navy and the Air Force, both services developed a three –component concept: defense, development and international cooperation. Though the whole initiative enjoyed widespread political and societal support, some question have risen about the financial feasibility to retain the technological edge of the military. Also there are growing demands that the military should take an active role in counter trafficking operations, something that they cannot perform under the current constitution and that it is also heavily resisted by the military themselves.
