Individual Submission Summary

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Profits, security and human rights: Assessing the Canadian extractive sector in Colombia since 2000

Fri, May 29, 2:00 to 3:45pm, TBA


The central argument of the article is that the Harper Government has wasted the opportunity provided by the Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) associated with the Canada-Colombia FTA to improve the human rights record of Canadian corporations in Colombia’s extractive sector. This article will explore the potential for operationalizing the HRIA by a subsequent Canadian government interested in promoting human rights in the context of an election year in Canada. Specific case studies will be addressed, including Gran Colombia Gold in Marmato and in Sergovia/Remedio as well as Pacific Rubiales in Meta. A Critical Human Security perspective will be used, one that blends Foucauldian and Gramscian strains of critical security with the concept of human security that emerged from the United Nations in 1994.
