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The purpose of the University Program of Studies on Asia and Africa is to create a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research group to gather the various perspectives of professors and researchers among the different academic entities and university institutions, in order to carry out studies that strengthen the links between Mexico, Asia and Africa.
• To foster and coordinate research, teaching, extension, and dissemination about Asian and African cultures, to promote the participation of multidisciplinary and inter-institutional work groups, both inside and outside of this University, in order to generate and disseminate knowledge.
• To coordinate and organize research in order to create the necessary knowledge that allows reflection on the existing problems in Asia and Africa, and thereby contribute with solutions, as well as to prevent similar problems in Mexico.
• Promote, organize and disseminate diplomas, conferences, seminars, colloquia, research, and other academic activities, national and international, on topics of Asia and Africa and their relationship with Latin America and Mexico.
• To promote joint methodological theoretical strategies between UNAM and higher education institutions in Asia and Africa, looking to build knowledge that address similar problems between Mexico and thee two continents, through academic exchange relations.
• To build mechanisms for cooperation and dialogue with non-governmental organizations, national and international, interested in issues related to Asia and Africa.
• To edit publications and other research products on scientific, social, cultural and artistic issues related to Asia.
• University Collection of Asian Studies.