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Virtual Exhibit Hall
Session Submission Type: Panel
Transnational security governance in Latin America is usually studied through the prism of US-Latin American relations. In turn, the role of countries other than the US in shaping the dynamics of the region’s transnational security entanglements has fallen out of the picture. In bringing in other actors than the US, and by following these “other” forms of transnational security governance from the Global Cold War to the Global War on Terror, this panel seeks to decenter and pluralize the debates on transnational security governance on the region.
European Cold War Security Assistance in Latin America: Germany in Guatemala - Fabian Bennewitz, Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
Transnational Circulation of Policing Knowledge in the Cold War: Police Cooperation and Assistance between West Germany and South America (Paraguay and Brazil, 1962 - 1985) - Mónika V Contreras Saiz, Freie Universität Berlin
Fighting for Authority: A Field Theoretical Analysis of Transnational Security Governance in Guatemala - Markus Hochmüller, Freie Universität Berlin
Cooperation Between West Germany’s Federal Border Police and Latin American Police Forces 1972-1981 - David M Livingstone, Independent Scholar