Session Submission Summary

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Transfeminista: A Cartography of Transfeminist Praxis across the Americas

Fri, May 24, 4:00 to 5:30pm, TBA

Session Submission Type: Panel


At its most basic level, transfeminismo is a situated politics of preserving, creating, and cultivating life-worlds targeted for death under a multiplicity of necropolitical regimes. It doesn't borrow but, rather, extends feminist space: it is a rhizomatic series of transnational, transhistorical, and transcultural conversations that span and suture together theory, politics, aesthetics, ethics, poetics, and, perhaps most importantly, praxis. Life born out of death, Latin American transfeminismo(s) is particularly and peculiarly attuned to contradiction: its and/both structuring logic makes transfeminista topographies spaces of inhabitability for those rendered illegible by a dominant politics of either/or. This panel engages with Latin American transfeminista imaginaries in the language of transfeminismo: it embraces multiplicities, paradox, circulation, uncertainty, resistance, fecundity, and contingency in an effort to contribute to the collective project of en/gendering livable lives. As such, the contributions to this panel cartographize different aspects of transfeminista life-making spaces across the Americas: from refusing erasure through memory-making, to the affective politics of be/longing; from the unauthorized transnational travels and circulations of an imaginary-cum-praxis, to the trans/localized crafting of architectures of intelligibility and recognition.

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