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Virtual Exhibit Hall
Session Submission Type: Panel
From community- based care arrangements, universal health coverage (UHC) from the perspective of fundamental human rights, to agrarian labor practices and human rights violations this panel of SIT Study Abroad Latin American academic directors and lecturers will provide reflections from the Southern Cone in the context of the advance of neoliberal agendas today.
Universal health coverage (UHC) from the perspective of fundamental human rights. Reflections on its potential application from the comparative analysis of the health systems of Argentina and Brazil - Ana Rita Diaz Munoz; Martin Langsam, Independent Scholar
Estado y derechos humanos: el abordaje de la trata laboral agraria desde las políticas públicas en Argentina entre 2008 y 2015 - María Eugenia Díaz
Como o "Mais Médicos" foi possível? Análise da formação da agenda do programa "Mais Médicos" - Heider A Pinto, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB)