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Virtual Exhibit Hall
Session Submission Type: Panel
This panel brings together papers focused on the relationship between culture and ecology in a broad sense. The cultural dimension of the mining, the water, the ecosystems, and the extractivism play a central role in the implementation of economic politics. Papers in this panel explore different historical and cultural contexts where violence against nature is/was applied.
Anthropology, colonial social science, and the study of commodities: The People of Puerto Rico and contemporary approaches to coffee culture - Joseph A Torres González, City University of New York - Graduate Center
Culture, Contamination, and Conflicts in Andean Mining - Vladimir R Gil Ramón, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) / Columbia University
“Good” and “bad” water. The entanglements of capital, state and science in the commodification of Tarapaca's waters, northern Chile (19th and early 20th centuries) - Manuel Mendez, Université de Rennes 2
Landscape identity post-wildfire in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Study Cases of Quillon-Florida-Yumbel (Chile) - Carolina G Ojeda, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción; Edilia Jaque