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2009 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association in Denver, Colorado
Theme: Law, Power, and Inequality in the 21st Century

The 2009 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association will be held at the Denver Grand Hyatt, May 28-31, 2009.

This site will remain open to changes for the Final Printed Program until April 3rd. After that date, email changes to Judy Rose for the program's Addendum Sheet.

Welcome to the 2009 LSA Annual Meeting submission site. To submit a paper or session proposal or to volunteer to serve as a Chair and/or Discussant; Log In and select the appropriate option from the main menu.

You will find information about the Meeting and the Call for Participation at the Law and Society Association website

If you have questions about the meeting or the submission procedure, contact Judy Rose

If you must withdraw from the meeting, email Do not remove or delete your submission(s) from this site.
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