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October 12-15, 2011
Sheraton Westport Plaza Tower Hotel
St. Louis, Missouri
The 2011 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) will be held in the greater St. Louis area, with an exciting program of invited speakers, workshops, and peer-reviewed papers presented in a variety of session formats.

The 2011 program will center upon this year's theme: "What does it mean to be educated?" The gap between research and practice can only be bridged if we define what it means to be educated in a rich, useful way. What are the different philosophies and definitions of "educated" that inform our practice? At all levels, from preschool programs to doctoral programs, the program theme encourages us to explore our goals as educators, the purpose of our schools, and the expectations we have of those we teach. Attendees and presenters are invited to explore questions beneath the surface of the work done by both researchers and teachers.

Although it is desirable for proposals to address the theme of the Annual Meeting, it is not required. Proposals MUST be submitted electronically at this site. Specific instructions for submission can be found at

All proposals must be submitted no later than May 16, 2011.
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