Individual Submission Summary

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Midwestern Superintendent Resilience in the New Normal: A Research-In-Progress Qualitative Examination of Personal, Professional, and Organizational Characteristics

Thu, October 20, 10:40 to 11:50am, Graduate Hotel - Cincinnati, Corn Hole


The purpose of this research-in-progress study is to explore P-12 school superintendent resilience. Although a wealth of literature exists on the causes of resilience, comparatively neglected is literature on the sources of superintendent resilience. This study situates superintendent resilience within Duchek’s (2017) organizational resilience conceptual framework. Participants are being interviewed to determine how they demonstrate resilience and overcome challenges, as well as examine the most beneficial personality traits and/or characteristics and the most beneficial support mechanisms. The researchers are conducting on-going descriptive content analysis coding procedures on the interview transcripts revealing manifested codes, themes, or trends.
