Session Submission Summary

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Trendy Techies Interactive Workshop: How to Create an Interdisciplinary Learning Community that Explores New Classroom Tools

Thu, October 19, 10:40 to 11:50am, The Graduate Hotel - Cincinnati, Joseph Strauss

Session Submission Type: Workshop


This workshop will describe the Trendy Techies program—an interdisciplinary and cross-college faculty learning community focused on the integration of new technology in the classroom. As part of this discussion, attendees will identify their own technology personality and consider recommendations for optimizing the strengths and weaknesses of their individual TechType. Audience members also will actively participate in the session through polling, practice knowledge questions, and an exit ticket reflection describing plans for personal development and/or creation or adaptation of a current program.

The objectives of this workshop include:
1) identify the key characteristics of a quality faculty learning community and potential measures of success, 2) describe different technology personalities of faculty in the classroom, and 3) discuss the implementation of a new technology learning community.

Sub Unit
