Session Submission Summary

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Latino Mediamaking: Production and Mediations

Fri, November 16, 5:00 to 6:15pm, Chicago Hilton, Floor: Fifth Floor, Conference Room 5E

Session Submission Type: Panel Discussion


Demographic estimations that classify Latinos/as as the fastest growing minority feed speculation about the future of Latinos and Latinas as political actors, a cultural force and a market. Latino media play an important role in the ways Latinos/as position themselves in mainstream society, construct a collective identity and fashion themselves as a politically engaged group and consumers. This panel will look at the media targeted at Latinos to explore the economic, historical, cultural and political contexts shaping Latino/a mediamaking and its role as a site through which Latinos/as interpret, recreate, negotiate and intervene in social reality. Using a range of theoretical lenses (feminist, critical studies, cultural studies), the panelists examine different institutions and genres composing the Latino/a mediascape to envision a path of inquiry into the sociocultural and political implications of Latino/a mediamaking.

Sub Unit



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