Individual Submission Summary

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Contradiction, breastfeeding and motherhood: A qualitative analysis of stay-at-home mothers' breastfeeding experiences

Mon, November 15, 12:30 to 1:45pm, Hilton San Francisco, Floor: 4th Floor, Tower 3, Union Square 6


Using crystallization to blend inductive grounded analysis with autoethnography and art, this study weaves together a tale of privilege and struggle. To better understand breastfeeding mothers' voices, this study utilizes interview data from privileged mothers, autoethnography, and “Motherhood” Angelina and child Diego to produce rich descriptions of lived experiences. Analysis reveals that privileged mothers (white, middle-class, stay-at-home moms) have varied and contradictory breastfeeding experiences as they struggle with natural-unnatural and pleasuring-disciplining discourses and embodiment.
