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NCBS 38th Annual National Conference
Miami, Florida - - March 5 - 8, 2014
Submit a 150-400 word abstract for a panel (one for the panel subject and one for each of the 3 or more panelists) and an individual presenter presentation. For a roundtable discussion (at least 4 participants), submit a 500 word abstract for the discussion topic. Panels, presentations and roundtables should explore the experiences and perspectives of African people, locally, nationally, globally or comparatively from interdisciplinary frameworks rooted in the agency of African people. Of particular interest are presentations that approach the discipline of Africana/Black Studies using multi-layered frameworks and mixed methodologies that incorporate various combinations of class, gender, race, and sexuality, through the lens of Afrocentric, cross and multicultural, postmodernist, postcolonial, transnational, comparative, and diasporic interpretative schemes.

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