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Classroom Assessment
2024 Special Conference on Classroom Assessment

National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)
2024 Special Conference on Classroom Assessment
September 19-20, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois

Proposals due: Friday, May 3, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific

NCME’s 5th Special Conference on Classroom Assessment will be held in person in Chicago,
IL on September 19-20, 2024. This call for proposals invites individuals and groups from research-
practice partnerships, public and private school systems, colleges and universities, state departments of
education, measurement organizations, and other educational entities to submit proposals for
individual presentations and organized sessions that pertain to improved classroom assessment.

Central to NCME’s mission is the belief that equitable access to deeper learning for all students
cannot be achieved without making high-quality, classroom assessment the rule rather than the
exception in American classrooms. A particular focus of the 2024 conference will be to explore
coherent systems of support at the school, district, and statewide levels that have helped the process of
scaling high-quality classroom assessment.

Proposals that address the following kinds of questions are especially encouraged:

  1. What kinds of cultural beliefs and organizational structures enable schools, districts, and states
    to build coherent systems of support for deeper learning and high-quality classroom assessment
    at scale? What examples or success stories do we have to share?
  2. In what ways does the scaled development of rich classroom assessment practices depend on
    sustained support for adult learning cultures at the school and district levels? What are the most
    essential elements of adult learning cultures that lead to scaled improvements in high-quality
    classroom assessment?
  3. What is the role of states and districts in supporting schools to develop balanced assessment
    systems that promote deeper learning and instructional equity for all students?
  4. What role does distributive leadership play in building coherent systems of support for
    classroom assessment at the grade/departmental, school, and district levels?
  5. What has research uncovered about systemic affordances that help ensure classroom
    assessment practices that support deeper learning for all students? What has research uncovered
    about systemic barriers?

We invite proposals that address these questions, and that speak to how important system-
building, improvement science, and researcher/practitioner collaboration are for making high-quality
classroom assessment more the rule than the exception in American public schools.
Finally, all proposal writers should review the following NCME expectations prior to submission:

  1. Both members and nonmembers of NCME may submit proposals.
  2. Submission of a proposal represents an agreement with NCME that presenting authors will register for and attend the 2024 Special Conference on Classroom Assessment in Chicago IL.  If your proposal is accepted, you must register for the conference in order to present. 
  3. The first author of every paper should be the primary presenter for that paper. This expectation holds for both individual presentations and coordinated sessions involving multiple papers.



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