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2020 Conference of the National Latinx Psychological Association

NLPA 2020

October 29 - November 1, 2020 Denver, Colorado

Deadline for the receipt of proposals is 11:59 pm EST, March 29, 2020.

All presenting authors must register for the conference and pay their applicable registration fees by June 15, 2020.

Guidelines for Preparing Program Submissions

NLPA and its conference seek to create, maintain, and promote an inclusive and welcoming environment. Program proposals must observe APA’s inclusive, non-discriminatory style (please refer to APA’s Publication Manual, 6th Edition, particularly pages 70-77).

Presentation authors do not need to be members of NLPA. Proposals written and/or to be given in Spanish are welcome.

To submit a proposal, please log in at the upper-right of this page. If you have questions about your proposal or about your submission please feel free to contact the Scientific Programming Committee Chair Dr. Elizabeth Aranda (

Please have all required information available before logging on and have all first authors create an account before submitting proposals. Allow approximately 30 minutes to complete the proposal online; you may edit or add to your proposal at any time up until March 29, 2020.



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