Individual Submission Summary

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Assessment of President Trump’s Deal of the Century to Solve the Arab Israeli Conflict

Thu, November 7, 8:45 to 10:15am, Wyndham Philadelphia Hotel, Floor: Lobby Level, Betsy Ross I


This research will examine President Donald Trump’s Deal of the Century to resolve the Arab Israeli conflict as component of his foreign policy and diplomacy in response to the chronology of the unfolding events in the Middle Eastern region. Trump and his top foreign policy, national security, and diplomat’s performances and practice of foreign policy and diplomacy will be assessed, critically analyzed in terms of the U.S. bilateral relations with all parties involved and U.S. national interests, and her strategic goals in the geopolitics of the region. The researcher will analyze the aforementioned issues within the complicated realities of the Palestinian /Arab Israeli conflict, the rising power of political Islam on the Middle East’s ground- manifested by ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and Libya, and the rivalry between Sunni and Shia’ a -supported by Iran in Lebanon, Syria , Bahrain, and Yemen. The researcher will use primary data acquired by interviewing Arab and Middle Eastern ُ Diplomats in Washington D.C. and the United Nations in New York and secondary data from English and Arabic languages sources.
