Session Submission Summary

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Two Decades Plus Later: Assessing IR’s Struggle with Inclusion of the Global South

Sat, November 12, 9:45 to 11:45am, Omni Parker, Floor: Mezzanine, Harriet Beecher Stowe

Session Submission Type: Panel


According to Haug, Braveboy-Wagner, and Maihold (2021), in Elsevier’s Scopus database, across all disciplines and publishing outlets, the term “Global South” in titles, abstracts, and keywords, has risen from only 1 in 1994 and 30 in 2005 to 1600 in 2020. But if IR’s contribution is strictly confined to basic theorizing in international relations, foreign policy and global governance, the contributions would be far less, dating mainly from the early 2000s. This panel/symposium is an attempt to begin a discussion about how far IR has come in terms of including the GS in its theories, which, we assume, also are deeply embedded in the practice of international relations and diplomacy in the globe. Panelists address particular contributions as well as deficits/omissions to GS inclusion by addressing changes in global governance, the utility of power and size, the usefulness of decolonial and anti-colonial conceptualizations, analyses of hegemony, as well as specific identity-based conceptualizations emerging from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

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