Session Submission Summary

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Towards Long and Wide Selves: Maria Lugones and the Praxis of Popular Education

Sun, Oct 29, 12:30 to 1:45pm, Hilton, Floor: 2nd Floor, Key Ballroom 9

Session Submission Type: Roundtable


Central to decolonial feminist philosopher María Lugones’s political praxis is a deep commitment to popular education. In her work with the popular education collective la Escuela Popular Norteña (EPN) and in her writing, Lugones practiced a distinctly coalitional approach to popular education, one grounded in the recognition that our own understandings and potential enactments of our lives are closely tied to one another and to the meanings that we create together. Bringing together Lugones’ popular education collaborators, this roundtable will focus particularly closely on the theory and practice of popular education as it relates to building a decolonial feminist politics.

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