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Annual Convention
Dear Friends and Collegues:

Have you or someone you know in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical community done something special in the past year, something that would be of particular interest to the rest of the world? Such as:

Solved an unusually difficult technical problem

Validated a difficult process or an unusual dosage form

Submitted an MAA, BLA or an NDA which includes some of the "new" topics we are hearing about: risk-based decisions, PAT, nanotechnology, etc

Expanded upon ideas about what "risk-based" means and how it can be implemented

Developed a new sterilization process or method

Why not let the world know about it? We encourage you to submit a scientific abstract for presentation at the 2007 PDA Annual Meeting, which will be held March 19-23, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Abstracts must be noncommercial in nature, describe new developments or work and significantly contribute to the body of knowledge relating to pharmaceutical manufacturing, quality management and technology. Industry case studies demonstrating advanced technologies, manufacturing efficiencies or solutions to regulatory compliance issues are preferable and will receive the highest consideration. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Planning Committee for inclusion in the meeting or in poster sessions.

Thank you for your submission,

2007 Program Planning Committee
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