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2007 PDA Extractables/Leachables Forum
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The 2007 PDA Extractables/Leachables Forum Program Planning Committee invites you to submit scientific abstracts regarding high-level, comprehensive and insightful information on the materials, chemistry, quality, regulatory and toxicological aspects of extractables/leachables studies for podium and poster presentation at the 2007 PDA Extractables/Leachables Forum. The theme of this year's forum is Confronting Leachables and Extractables Issues in an Evolving Regulatory Environment. An extensive schedule of presentations are planned on relevant subjects such as:
  • Packaging and Processing Materials
  • Principles of Conducting Extractables and Leachables Studies
  • Key Analytical Techniques for Performing an Extractables/Leachables Study
  • Extractables/Leachables from Processing Equipment
  • Correlating Extractables and Leachables
  • Risk Assessment and Acceptance Criteria
  • Quality by Design
  • Critical Path Initiatives
  • Managing the Entire Supply Chain
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Planning Committee for inclusion in the meeting or for poster presentation.

Call for Papers

Poster Contest Rules

Abstracts must be received by May 11, 2007 for consideration.

Case studies are particularly desired. Commercial abstracts featuring promotion of products and services will not be considered. After June 1, 2007, you will be advised in writing of the status of your abstract. PDA will provide one complimentary registration per presentation. Additional presenters are required to pay appropriate conference registration fees. All presenters are responsible for their own travel and lodging, with the exception of health authority speakers.

For more information, please contact:
Mya Fountain
Tel: +1 (301) 656-5900, ext. 146
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