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Optimizing Student Understanding in Mathematics
PME-NA 2010
October 28 - 31, 2010
Columbus, Ohio

We are extending the deadline for submission of proposals (full paper and short oral reports) to March 1st to assure all interested individuals have been provided adequate time to meet the submission requirements. Please note that we are requiring the names of the authors to be removed from the paper at the time of submission.

If you have already submitted a paper, but have not submitted a blind version, please log into the website again and submit a blind version of your paper. The blind version will overwrite the original, and we will then be able to assign reviewers.

Everyone, please take a moment to volunteer to review as well. It is an important contribution to the success of the program to have qualified reviewers for paper submissions.

Wishing you all a very safe and productive time
Azita Manouchehri & Douglas Owens (Program Co-Chairs)

Change in submission guidelines!

Because PMENA conference proposals must be blind-reviewed, and because we cannot make changes at this late date to the system as it is currently configured, we have had to make a change in the submission process.

Instead of submitting the complete version of the manuscript as it will be published in the proceedings, we will need to have all papers submitted as fully blinded versions. Authors whose work is accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings will be notified to upload the full non-blinded version of their paper at acceptance. Changes are not to be made to the text of the submitted paper. Proceedings editors will compare the proposal version to the final non-blind version for compliance.

Authors who have already submitted their papers may go back into the system, before February 15, and submit their blind-review version. That submission will overwrite the first submission, so no need to worry about the system confusing the 2 versions.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but felt this was the best way to handle an oversight in the system that in critical to the integrity of our process. Thank you in advance for your help in this, and for getting the word out to others who may not have received this e-mail.

Volunteer to Review Proposals!

Now is the time to step up and be of service to your colleagues in mathematics education and to PMENA. How? Volunteer to serve as a reviewer of submissions for the 2010 Annual Meeting in Columbus Ohio. Given that the proposals are full papers, and accepted proposals will be published in the proceedings, it is an important scholarly contribution to serve as reviewer.

The quality of the PMENA sessions will be determined in part by the strength of the review process. So, come forward now and volunteer to be a reviewer.
To volunteer, please log in to your account to the right under the "Login Here" box. Once on the main menu,click the link under the submitter menu that says, "volunteer to be a reviewer."

Guidelines for reviewers are available at the PMENA 2010 website, on the "Papers" page.

When volunteering to review, you will be asked for the following information:
  • Enter or edit name, email address, and affiliation;

  • List 3 key words that describe your areas of interest; and

  • List 3 publications/presentations, the titles of which serve as another way for me to determine what proposal topics align with your interest/expertise.
This will help me assign submitted proposals to reviewers.

Please forward this information to colleagues who might not have received, so we may have the widest possible distribution and thus can generate the strongest pool possible for this important task!

Thank you in advance for your willingness to be of service to PMENA!

Diana Erchick
Coordinator of Submissions and Reviews
The Ohio State University

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