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  North American Chapter of the International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
. . . Against a New Horizon


Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch, St. Louis, Missouri
November 14-17, 2019

We have decided on an intentionally intriguing and possibly provocative motto, taken from Vice President Hubert Humphrey's 1968 dedication of the St Louis arch. The motto is ...against a new horizon. The original intended meaning was the idea of the horizon being the backdrop of the newly constructed and very picturesque arch.

But the history of westward expansion actually involved displacement and death for Native Americans (and the very erecting of a monument on the banks of the Mississippi River displaced many African American St. Louis residents), and so from their perspective, the expansion was something to be "against."

These differing views of “expansion” and “growth” mirror those in relation to many issues today, including  views of mathematics education. Events that some view as a positive new horizon may actually be a form of oppression for others... something to be against.

We also have a charge from the PME-NA parent organization to address some of the racial tensions that have been associated with Missouri (e.g., racist policing practices and the travel advisory from the NAACP). So we think the motto will send a signal that we are aware of Missouri's social justice issues and we are going to address them explicitly at the conference.

Proposal deadlines are as follows:

  • February 18, 2019 by 11:59pm Pacific for Research Reports and Brief Research Reports
  • March 1, 2019 by 11:59pm Pacific for Posters and Working Groups

More information is available at

We hope you will consider joining us in St. Louis!

Samuel Otten, Zandra de Araujo, Amber Candela, Charles Munter
2019 Conference Co-Chairs
University of Missouri at Columbia
University of Missouri at St Louis



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