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  North American Chapter of the International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
45th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

The North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA) invites you to join us at PME-NA 45 in Reno, Nevada, Oct 1-4, 2023.


Our conference theme is Engaging All Learners. Math learning should be a joyful experience for all students. When students are engaged and inspired, they are motivated to learn. Instruction that targets the learning needs and interests of our students makes it possible for students to excel in learning math. At our annual meeting, we will explore how to create conditions to support learning that build on student engagement and interest.


·      How can we engage all students to learn math content by building on their interest and motivation to learn? 

·      How do we design learning environments that take student engagement and learning into account?

·      What are the design features of tools and curricula design features consider student engagement and interest for supporting learning?

·      How do we support pre-service and in-service teachers to engage students and support learning?

·      How do we build partnerships with schools and community to support student engagement and math learning?

·      What research agendas should we pursue to ensure that all students reach their potential by paying attention to engagement and learning needs.

Be inspired, energized and contribute new and innovative ideas as our annual meeting and be part of a group of International scholars who care about making a difference in lives of students!

All papers should be formatted using one of the following templates (English, Spanish or French versions). Only properly formatted papers will be reviewed. Please ensure your proposal is anonymous for review while leaving appropriate space for names in the final paper. Thank you for your help.

Proposal Deadline Extended to Feb 22, 11:59 Pacific Time Zone.


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