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2006 RSS Annual Meeting

Louisville, KY, August 10-13, 2006
The submission deadline has passed. However, you may still login to edit any previously submitted papers, posters or panels.

Conference Theme
We are especially interested in submissions that are closely related to the conference theme, "Perils and promises of globalization: difference, resistance, and possibility". Submissions that address this theme will be given priority on the program.

We especially encourage papers, panels, and posters on these topics:

  • Discourses and ideologies surrounding globalization and resistance
  • Experiences of people suffering from, resisting, and developing alternatives to globalization
  • Public sociologies, public intellectuals, and science studies
  • Spatialization, uneven development, and rurality
  • Impacts of globalization on labor conditions, workers, and communities
  • Particularities of resistance, local and global efforts, and their interconnections
  • Methodologies of participatory research, community engagement, and international organizing
  • Practices of global capitalism, outsourcing, flexible labor, and cost cutting
  • Effects of nationalism, borders, diasporas, and violence
  • Roles of culture, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality in rural communities
  • Impact of globalization on natural resources and environmental sustainability
  • Innovations and changes in food and agricultural systems in the global economy
  • Citizenship, governance, and democratic principles, policies, and practices
  • Technologies of repression and resistance

  • Conventions for Submissions

  • The deadline for submissions is February 27, 2006. After this date, submissions will be considered only if they are needed to round out the conference program.
  • Abstracts should be submitted following the instructions on the web site. Text is limited to 150 words, excluding authors, affiliation, and so forth.
  • Authors are limited to two submissions in which they are the primary author.

  • Contacts
    For program-related questions only, please contact Patricia Allen (

    For all other questions, please contact Edie Pigg at the RSS Business Office (

    Thank you for your interest in the 2006 annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. We look forward to seeing you in Louisville, Kentucky in August.
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