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USACE Infrastructure Systems
The USACE ISC will accept abstracts for possible presentation at the 2007 conference. Online submission of abstracts will begin November 10, 2006 and close December 29, 2006.

To prepare in advance of the online submission, we recommend that potential presenters prepare a Word document from which text can be cut-and-pasted into the online submissions form.

Please be sure to include:
  • Presentation Track (see list of tracks and descriptions)
  • Title of Presentation
  • List of Presenters (limit 3)-be sure to note if each presenter is a government employee or private sector employee
  • Description (300 words or less)
  • Differentiator (50 word reason your session should be chosen)
Final presentations are due to Kathy Off ( no later than June 8, 2007. All presentations should be in Microsoft PowerPoint format.

All speakers will be provided an LCD projector and laptop through which they will control the presentation from the podium.

Session selection will be finalized in January 2007 and presenters will be notified in February.

A call for volunteer Moderators will go out in December 2006. Volunteers will be asked to register their interest in an online database and will be notified in April 2007 if selected to moderate a session.
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