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SASE's 22nd Annual Meeting
Temple University, Philadelphia
June 24-26, 2010

Governance Across Borders: Coordination, Regulation, and Contestation in the Global Economy
Submissions are closed. All enquiries should be sent to

One year after a highly successful and thought-provoking conference in Paris on Capitalism in Crisis, SASE turns its attention to an issue underpinning current debates on our global economy and society. This year, the annual meeting will focus on emerging forms of transnational governance - public, private, and hybrid - in the global economy, examining its development, dynamics, impact, and implications.

We welcome contributions on topics such as the organization of multinational corporations, professional service firms, global supply chains, and financial and commodity markets; the operation of rule-making and standard-setting bodies like the WTO, the European Union, the International Accounting Standards Board, and private rating agencies; "civil regulation" of labor and environmental standards through corporate codes of conduct and certification schemes; and the role of business and/or civil society actors in transnational rule making. Participants might also choose to examine themes such as the interplay among governance processes at different levels (transnational, regional, national, subnational) or the impact of transnational regulation on national institutions and policies in developed and developing countries, its influence on the strategies of different types of actors, and its consequences for the distribution of power and resources.

Finally, we invite contributors to consider the explanatory and evaluative challenges raised by the current development of transnational governance. How far, for example, can this be explained in terms of the Polanyian "double movement" of disembedding and re-embedding of markets in society, still perhaps the most widespread paradigm in socio-economics? What alternative theoretical frameworks are available? How should we evaluate transnational governance arrangements, individually and in the aggregate? Are they effective, accountable, legitimate, and sustainable? Are they, or could they become, democratic?

Program Chairs:
Glenn Morgan (
University of Warwick, UK

Marc Schneiberg (
Reed College, USA

Local Organizer:
Richard Deeg (
Temple University, USA

For more information see

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