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Welcome to the 87th SPSA Annual Conference
87th Annual Conference
January 7 – 9, 2016 - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Caribe Hilton

Please join us January 2016, as the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association will convene in San Juan, Puerto Rico for the first time! It promises to be a great occasion for intellectual exchange and professional development in a relaxed and beautiful setting. The theme for the meeting will be Rich and Poor Democracy. The theme reflects an overarching interest in the positive and normative aspects of the inequality in democratic representation, often due to the rich or poor performance of democratic institutions. We have put together an excellent program committee that eagerly awaits your paper proposals and innovative conference ideas. They will be working hard to put together an excellent and rewarding program. You can help in this effort by volunteering to serve as a chair or discussant and recommending the conference as a place to catch up with your collaborators or as a place for young scholars to present new and exciting work. We look forward to seeing you in January 2016 in Puerto Rico!

-David Lewis, 2016 Program Chair
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