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Welcome to the 89th SPSA Annual Conference

89th Annual Conference
January 3 – 6, 2018 - New Orleans, Louisiana

Please join us in January 2018 at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association in New Orleans. The 2018 Meeting promises to continue SPSA’s commitment to intellectual exchange and professional development in enjoyable and historic settings. We invite proposals from all fields and subfields in the discipline, as well as from scholars in related disciplines working on research related to political science. We have put together an excellent program committee that eagerly awaits your paper proposals and innovative conference ideas, which we are certain will result in another excellent program for the upcoming meeting. excellent You can help in this effort by volunteering to serve as a chair or discussant and recommending the conference as a place to catch up with your collaborators or as a place for young scholars to present new and exciting work. We look forward to seeing you in January of 2018 in New Orleans!


2018 Program Chair,
Dr. Saundra K. Schneider, Michigan State University


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