Session Summary

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Continuing the Reckoning With SRCD's History With Ethnic-Minority Research and Scholars: A Conversation Roundtable

Fri, March 24, 3:30 to 5:00pm, Salt Palace Convention Center, Floor: 1, Meeting Room 155 E

Session Type: Conversation Roundtable


SRCD has historically been well positioned to educate researchers, practitioners, and the general public about children’s development. In 2015 the Governing Council listed “integrating diversity” as a strategic goal. In 2021, the Anti-Racism Task Force was convened to identify how SRCD can become more actively anti-racist. Despite evidence that SRCD is fully committed to this strategic goal, SRCD still needs to fully reckon with its racial past. The 2006 publication of Our children too: A history of the Black Caucus of the Society for Research in Child Development, 1973-1997 chronicles much of the structural racism evidenced in (a) portrayal of ethnic-racial minority children in research; (b) exclusion of ethnic-racial minority members from SRCD governance/committees, and (c) lack of support for ethnic-racial minority members’ career paths. Building on the transformative 2019 Townhall highlighting SRCD’s ongoing struggle with equity and inclusion, SRCD membership must deepen the connection between dialogue and action regarding its racial history by drawing on members’ experiences. “Truth-telling” is an essential step toward building and sustaining a more racially equitable organization. The roundtable will offer a focused and deliberate dialogue regarding how the research literature and the treatment/inclusion of ethnic-racial minority scholars have shifted over the past 40 years and whether/how this history “shows up” in current practices and literatures. Dr. Ellen Pinderhughes will moderate the panel. All panelists are senior ethnic-racial minority scholars with extensive experience publishing research on minority children and a long history of leadership involvement in organizations devoted to developmental science (SRCD, SRA, ISSBD).

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