Session Summary

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Racial & Economic Justice

Sat, March 25, 1:30 to 3:00pm, Salt Palace Convention Center, Floor: 1, Grand Ballroom A

Session Type: Duo Address


These scholars will candidly share how historical, geographic, and socio-economic contexts, the politics of science, and our intersectional identities shaped the 40-year evolution of our individual programs of research on African American families. McBride Murry’s program of research embodied the metaphor of “toxic waters flowing down stream,” that create environmental conditions that shape everyday life experiences of families, children, youth, and their communities, with long term effects on development, health, and wellbeing.  To survive and thrive, families are required to build capacity to navigate daily adversity that take an alarming toll on them. She will share particulars about her professional journey to rethink the conceptualization of resilience, strength-based, cultural framing to action-oriented research and methodological approaches that advance equity through policies and practices.

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