Session Submission Summary

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Racism and Health II

Fri, September 1, 11:00am to 12:30pm, Sheraton Boston, Floor: 3, Beacon A

Session Submission Type: Traditional (Closed) Panel


Both racism and health are in/sensible: elusive to define and measure, and yet urgent and palpable. What can scholars in science and technology studies contribute to understanding how racism and health intersect in science and in society? This open panel welcomes a broad range of approaches to this question. Papers might explore how social inequality becomes materially embodied; how scientists and social justice advocates mobilize data about the impact of racism for antiracist projects; the future of identity politics for health in shifting political landscapes in specific countries and transnationally; the epistemological practices of biological and social sciences that make truth claims about racism and health; the roles of pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and other technologies in ameliorating/exacerbating inequality; the ways that pseudo/scientific racial narratives operate within and beyond scientific spheres; and much more. This open panel invites papers that make empirical and theoretical contributions to the intersectional, interdisciplinary viewpoints of how racism (not just race) alters modes of technoscience, knowledge production, and governance around health. It seeks to generate new networks and conversations among STS scholars to interrogate these vital questions.

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations