Session Submission Summary

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Crafting Common Worlding Pedagogies

Sat, September 1, 2:00 to 3:30pm, ICC, E5.9

Session Submission Type: Traditional (Closed) Panel


The Common Worlds Research Collective is a transnational and transdisciplinary network of feminist scholars. We undertake research with children and educators and share a commitment to recuperative and decolonising pedagogies in ecologically precarious times. Feminist STS perspectives are integral to our common worlding pedagogical inquiries, as we work to displace individualistic approaches to children's learning rooted in anthropocentric developmental science. Extending Latour's (2004) articulation of "common worlds", we reconfigure pedagogy as a collective practice of 'learning with' others in our worlds, and of mobilizing our accountabilities to entangled multispecies, material, and social justice concerns within the Anthropocene. We contest epistemological hierarchies that privilege Euro-Western narratives, drawing inspiration from feminist STS scholars who make visible constitutive alliances between scientific analysis and colonialism (Hamilton, Subramaniam, & Willey, 2017; TallBear, 2013). Learning from Indigenous and women of colour scientists who unsettle the disciplinary exclusions of scientific knowledge (Prescod-Weinstein, 2017; Roy, 2016; Todd, 2016), our pedagogical intentions defy foundational epistemological divides within education that perpetuate anti-blackness, settler colonialism, and human exceptionalism. Our speculative, situated, and slow pedagogies are motivated by STS scholars who urge us to find new ways reshaping our common worlds together (Haraway, 2016; Puig de la Bellacasa, 2017; Stengers, 2005).

Through five papers grounded in research from Canada, Ecuador, the United States, and Australia, this panel illustrates how feminist STS theorisations have informed locally-responsive pedagogies and contributed to deepening the transdisciplinary STS project. We showcase how innovative STS-education partnerships transform relationships with metabolisms, waste, water, gender, and rabbits across both fields.

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