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The United States from Inside and Out: Transnational American Studies, Oakland, CA, October 12-15
The Program Committee has reviewed all valid proposals submitted for the 2006 Annual Meeting. The Program Committee is no longer accepting proposals for papers or sessions.

Notification and Participation

All persons who have submitted proposals, e.g., the individual paper proponent or the session organizer have been notified in writing of the Committee's decisions. Session organizers are responsible for notifying the members of the proposed panel of the Program Committee's decision. If you have not received an e-mail by April 30, please contact the Office of the Executive Director, 1120 19th St. NW, Suite 301, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 467-4783.E-mail:

It is not possible to guarantee any session or panelist a day or time on the program. If notified by May 1, the Program Committee will try to honor requests not to schedule a presentation on a religious holiday.


Copies of the printed program will only be available at the 2006 Oakland meeting for two reasons. First, we want to encourage usage of the online version, which provides the best method for members to access the most current program information. Secondly, this will allow us to facilitate a final printed program that is both as current as possible and a better representative of the final program. Thus, we will not be mailing printed copies of the program. The online version will be available this summer. We will notify conference participants via email when the online version is ready. A limited number of printed programs may be available post meeting.

Membership Requirement

Virtually all participants on the convention program must be listed on the ASA membership roll by May 1, 2006. If a program participant does not join the ASA by May 1, 2006, he or she will not be listed in the printed program book and should be replaced immediately. All members (non-US citizens) of overseas affiliated societies are exempt from the ASA membership fees, may participate in the convention as full members, and may pay registration fees at the ASA member rate. On occasion, non-academic participants (who are not practicing Americanists) or academic speakers (who are not practicing Americanists) may, with written permission of the Executive Director, be exempted from the membership requirement. Applications for exemption shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Director of ASA by May 1, 2006.

Direct all membership queries to the Johns Hopkins University Press Customer Service Department; tel. 1-800-548-1784 (U.S. and Canada only), all others call 410-516-6987; email

Registration Requirement

All participants on the convention program must register for the convention by June 1, 2006. Pre-registration includes payment of conference registration fees. If a program participant does not register for the convention by June 1, 2006, he or she will not be listed in the printed program book and should be replaced immediately. Non-members, including non-Americanists exempted from the membership requirement, must register at the non-member rate. Direct all convention registration queries to the Conference Registrar; tel. 301-934-8589; fax: 301-934-9585; email

Audio -Visual Equipment

Select one of the following three options. You may not mix and match packages items. You must select one package in toto. You may not select more than one equipment package.
  • Analog Equipment Package: Overhead Projector, Slide Projector, TV/VCR/DVD and Screen
  • Digital Equipment Package: LCD/Multimedia Data Projector, Laptop (MS Powerpoint, CD, & DVD capable), and Screen
  • No Equipment: No Audio-Visual Equipment Request
Acceptance of your proposal does not imply approval of audio-visual equipment requests. The ASA will not pay for equipment requested after April 30, 2006. If you have any questions concerning your audio-visual equipment request, please contact us at
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