Session Submission Summary

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Suicidal Pedagogies

Sun, November 12, 10:00 to 11:45am, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Gold Coast, Concourse Level West Tower

Session Submission Type: Non-Paper Session: Dialogue Format


What does suicide and its ideation have to teach us about the structures of the crushing present? Through an attention to film, literature, performance, notes, and murder, this panel scans the entanglements of suicide and its ideation in the pulse of contemporary life and non-life, particularly in relation to modes of anti-queer, anti-black, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant repudiation. Working with a related and fleeting set of objects and archives, we explore how self-negation and its drives are also a practice of survival, even at life’s end. By attending to anxiety, fear, rage, ambivalence, self-annihilation—a sensorium of feeling precarity under neoliberalism—we might loosen the knot that places suicide in a feedback loop of pathology. Anti-trans/queer hostility, the twining of the subject, confinement, and exhaustion are an occasion to return to suicide ideation as an epistemology to read fatalism when survivance seems unimaginable.

Sub Unit

