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We are pleased to announce that the 34th annual UCEA Convention is going virtual! This year’s Convention will include an innovation in session delivery. The program will include both live, synchronous as well as pre-recorded, asynchronous sessions. The Convention will be held from November 16-19, 2020 with a few pre-convention and post-convention sessions during the month of November. The purpose of the 2020 UCEA Convention is to engage participants in discussions about research, policy, practice and preparation in the field of education with a specific focus on educational leadership. Members of the 2020 Convention Program Committee include Bill Black (University of South Florida), Yanira Oliveras Ortiz (The University of Texas at Tyler), Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen (Lehman College CUNY), and James Wright (San Diego State University).
The convention theme, Re/Building Home: Coloniality, Belonging, and Educational Leadership aims to highlight critical discourses around knowledge production and the control of knowledge. Additionally, the theme highlights concepts of belonging relative to our institutional, disciplinary, and personal homes—nations, ethnicities, and identities—and these relationships within educational leadership.
2020 Convention Call for Proposals
The Call for Proposals includes a discussion of the convention theme, strategies for developing submissions to address the convention theme, description of convention session types, submission guidelines and criteria for review.