Paper Summary

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Breakfast of Innovators: Action Research, Scholarship, and Bilingual Education

Tue, April 12, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Three, Ballroom A


In this paper, we investigated action research as mediating early career bilingual education teachers’ learning. We present a longitudinal case study of first-year bilingual education teachers as action researchers. Three theories underpinned our study: complex adaptive systems, activity theory, and diffusion of innovations theory. We posed two questions: (1) How did action research mediate teachers’ learning? (2) How did teacher action researchers share knowledge (innovations) gleaned from their inquiry in their school communities? Findings included the following: (a) Action research mediated teacher learning by allowing teachers to understand learning from students’ perspective and strategies such as modeling and providing opportunities are crucial for self-regulation, and (b) Participants shared information informally via conversations with teacher peers, instructional coaches, and principals.
